Privacy Policy

Visits to KING NICE Tech. CO., LTD. Site

When you visit the relevant website of "KING NICE Tech. CO., LTD.", we will record and store your information below. Please note that this information will be used to analyze the actions of the viewers in "Business Services"; and such information will be filed as an anonymous record.

Personal Data

Visitors do not have to create an account or provide us with any personal data to access KING NICE Tech. CO., LTD. website. However, we may ask you for some personal information if you would like to receive some of our services, for instance:

  • To fill out sales inquiry form
  • To receive more information on establishing business relationship
  • To subscribe to e-mail marketing content such as latest online headlines and videos.

Some of the personal data we collect and process include:

  • Biographical information of your name
  • Information of your contact details consisting of company name, phone number, and location of company.

We ensure that none of your personal data will be sold or transferred to any third party unless you consent to this or the law of the country permits this.